Thursday 4 November 2010

Is Islamic Law Unfair for 21th Century?

An Iranian women was to be   hanged yesterday(3 november,2010) for adultery. It has been stopped now. Her punishment of stoning sentence was suspended earlier this year after prominent political and religious figures called it medieval, barbaric and brutal. The government said they really care about the Human Rights, But International organizations still putting pressure on them. Since 1979 Islamic Revolution Islamic law was in force in Iran.

 Now, many one can think because of this Islamic law some curtail punishment like death to stoning, amputation of hand   ,lashes are still existing. They are really wrong. Because to prove the offences standard of proof is very high..   As an Example: To prove adultery 4 eye witnesses are needed. And they need to be present on the time of punishment of death to stoning. If one of them are absent punishment will not occur.

So, the country which are maintaining the Islamic law regulation should not be forced .Because The punishment which is set by Quran is Perfect.(Hadd punishment).The other type of punishment (Tajir Punishment) can be asked  question.

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